It’s been a while since last post here. But it does not mean, that there was no progress. In fact, if by the off chance there is someone who regularly visits this website, that person would notice some visual changes.
Since May I’ve been working on significant changes in the backend, which included user authentication system and forum-like feature, something that I am calling “Talks”, because it has “sections”, that can look and function either as a forum or a blog, as well as changelogs, knowledgebases or even tickets. At the moment, functionality is quite rudimentary, and because of that I am not opening registration just yet.
At the same time, you can see that there is “Talks” block in the navigation, and past posts are now sorted through some of them, because I now consider this functionality complete enough to be live. Next step is for me to prepare functionality for creating and editing forum threads (or blog posts). While doing that I will be backlogging some of my posts from other social media here, continue work on stylization of different types of "Talks” (so that they will look differently, and I already have 2 new standalone PHP libraries in mind), and some other features, that I consider important: posting blog posts to social media (Facebook, VK, LinkedIn for sure) at the same time as posting here, ability to comment on Final Fantasy XIV entities and some others.
Only after those are more or less tested (hence the backlogging), I will open up the registration, and… Well, you will be able to communicate with me here if you are so inclined. There are other things, that I plan on doing here, where these “Talks” will be important, if not integral, but not spilling the beans on those just yet.
Oh, and in case you are wondering: I am coding everything from scratch, with limited reliance on 3rd-party libraries, that’s why it takes time. This is a conscious decision. I want to improve my skills, not be dependent on some framework (which can easily introduce unexpected and unplanned refactoring) and have quite a tight integration of things in the future. Does not mean I do not use some libraries, but I limit them significantly. A difficult path, but the one I am going to stick to, nevertheless.