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Episode 7:


Don't remember what's the [scientific] name of it, but Reki is having one of those vicious psychological loops, when ones compares oneself to others in regards to how far they have in some "shared" field. You know like people who started a diet can break that diet, because they think that others, who have used that diet, achieved better/faster results, start hating themselves for breaking the diet, start again, break again, hate and so on.

Reki is doing the same thing. And it is hard to get out of this loop, it takes work. I know what I am talking about, because I've been like that and I still sometimes catch myself on thoughts, that can start this loop. The main thing you need to always remember: whomever you are comparing yourself to, unless that person is you some reasonable amount of time in the past (a day, a week, a months, a year, depends on specific case) - you are wasting your own energy.

You want to get better? Do the work. Do not compare yourself to other, because you do not know their whole story and its 99% likely, that their whole story is different even if they had similar struggles. You do, fail, repeat. That's it. Compare the change only to yourself on previous iteration.

On example of Reki and Langa: Langa is taller, something tells me, that he is a bit lighter and he has been doing this stuff since 2 years old. Reki is shorter, a bit more brawny, thus heavier and, most likely, did not pick up the hobby before something like 10 (maybe he told when, but I do not remember). So there will be a difference in their physics no matter how you slice it. Reki needs to accept that. And the fact, that unlike Langa he has way better analytical skill. Langa rides on instinct, Reki drives using physics and replicating moves. Simply change the angle you are looking at your problem, boy.