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Shadows House

I find it that this episode lacks in story progression except for the last few seconds. I understand that this is something like a world-building episode, but still. And there are reasons why I find this a bit "annoying".

At the least, it's the idea that a doll (which is obviously not a doll, but a human, most likely with erased memories or an artificially grown clone) was "created" to serve, yet was not taught anything. As far as I know even modern day "servants" are taught. If you have watched Re:Zero, you will, probably, remember, that Subaru did not become a butler overnight.

This point alone brings inconsistencies in the story telling, since the doll is learning simple things from her master. It would have been better to "reverse" some of the dialogues, so that the doll "remembers" something and the shadow confirms (and possibly expands it). If the doll was meant to serve, there would be flashbacks as well, to the times, when she was taught things. Even if those days were just an "illusion".

I am not sure I like the art style, but I do like the concept despite the aforementioned flaw in logic. I have some ideas of what may be actually going on here and I do want to confirm them, but I think, that with this one, I'd rather try the manga, because I feel that it will be more efficient for me.