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Fairy Tail (第2期)

Episode 57:

Due to having quite a bit more free time, earlier this year I decided to resume Boruto and Fairy Tail, which I dropped before, because I did not have as much free time, and I was reading manga anyway, so did not see a reason to continue anime adaptations.

While it was interesting to watch even Boruto's fillers (so far, at least), and now that it's back on manga's plot with Kawaki (I am on episode 194 at this time) - even more so, Fairy Tail somehow does not excite me as much as before.

I skipped most of the fillers after the Games arc, because they felt too generic. Hoped that the "canon" episodes will work out better, but... They did not. It was common for the 1st couples of episodes in an FT arc to be somewhat slow, in setting up everything, so I pushed through them, and now I think I've wasted my time.

It still felt quite generic. Fights did not seem to have as much flare and were mostly repetition of what I've already seen in previous episodes. And everything felt too childish, which is a bit ironic, considering that some of the characters turned into kids.

It felt... Empty. Boruto is not "special" or anything, it is still quite generic, but you can see, that creators are trying to make things somewhat interesting and intriguing. Maybe it's because I know what will happen in FT, but... That's the same case as with Boruto.

I dunno. The point is I am dropping FT anime again and will only stick to 100 year quest manga. Short "written" format makes it more tolerable, I guess.