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Arcane, Season 2

Too bad this series is not profitable. At least that's what has been said by Riot Games so far, and they are even skeptical it will break even (most likely will, but not fast). This is sad, because the world needs more quality shows and movies.

I remember that 1st season blew me away with the quality of... Well, everything. I would not say it's story was necessarily mind-blowing, but every little piece of it was crafted with care, and presented with even more care. You can find videos where people notice little things here and there, and how some of them became important later on in the show. Or at least how something referenced that little thing in some way.

2nd season is, essentially, more of the same. While in most cases this phrase would be an insult, here it's a praise. They managed to keep the great dynamics and the soundtrack is top-notch even though I am not a fan of some tracks, because those are simply not in my genres. Animation is insane, although I was noticing some 2D effects way more than before and they had more times, when they stood out to me as "cheap" (kind of), but I do get why they were done like this.

The plot is still nothing relatively simple, but the details... I noticed right away how Jinx looked softer (and I was not the only one, apparently). I thought the model was changed, perhaps, but no - it's the camera angles. 1st season was filming her from the top a lot of the time, while she as also looking up with her head tilted down. In 2nd season, a lot of shots are from below, and Jinx's head is tilted the same way, that she is looking at, which makes her look softer. And it makes sense, because her character changed.

There are other similar details, of course, but I won't spoil anything. The important part is that every character got a proper progression in the story, and it was logical (at least inside this world's rules). But even while fans are raving about all this... It won't result in increase of high-quality shows like this, because it's too expensive, and studios want quick and easy bucks, instead of art. Streaming services is also, probably, not the best media.

I think they should put this kind of effort into games of similar caliber, though. Arcane already looks a lot like Dishonored, and even its setting is kind of similar, since it blends magic and steam-punky tech. Make Dishonored-like game in this universe or even a TellTale-like game - and I am sure it will attract quite a few fans, both old and new.

Arcane S2 Var2.webp