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Episode 2:

There is a saying: "Everyone loves an underdog". If you believe that - watch this show. I have no ounce or good will towards Hobin. I do not wish him success at all. Because he is also scum, who just happened to be lower in this "food chain". His sick mom is not a redeeming quality whatsoever. I commend him for (seemingly) trying to change, but he is trying to change for the sake of money, not for the sake of his mother. If the show is supposed to satirize modern society, it's not doing a good job, because people who do not understand what satire is, will take it at face value and believe that Hobin is a good guy. While he is not.

Also, I really can't stand these faces. They are too much, and there is too many of them. Meanwhile in the opening of the show, we do see character stills, that do look extremely cool. If only this show had some balance between the goofy and cool...