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オーイ! とんぼ

Episode 13:

The finale felt a bit rushed and kind of anti-climactic. Mostly since the main "conflict" or "problem" was resolved in episode 12. 13th episode was more like an epilogue, which did not brought that much if anything to the whole story. Since previous episode had a short time-skip, they probably could have dropped quite a few things and turn 2 episodes into 1. But I guess they wanted to show off prettier Tonbo more.

Aside from that, this show is not only a way to show how golf may not be as superficial as one may think from the way it's been portrayed in most of mass media. It is also a bit about parenting. And, yes, one may say that Igaiga might have been a bit manipulative at certain times, but it did allow him to gradually change Tonbo's perspective on things and push her outside of her comfort zone. Gently, and not "get out of our appartment" kind of style, which means she is most likely to not only succeed in her future, but also be happy that she left, despite having some sadness about it as well.