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Yeah, it's not good. It's utterly boring and uninspiring. And not funny. Which is complete opposite of the game series, which was stupid fun and chaotic. The story-telling here is just... Too linear, I guess, too safe. It is kind of 2024's The Crow, when it should have been Boy Kills World, but on more steroids. What worked with the games (or at least most of them) was that you went into insane action right from the start. Note, how "insane" is italic, because it is important. Technically this movie also starts with action pretty quite early, technically it had 2 scenes before I dropped it, but both were extremely tame and short, and most of the time felt like exposition dump. Perhaps, that's because they went for PG-13 for some reason, instead of R?

They also went for some mediocre "you have a destiny" thing, which does not fit here, as well. I know, that Lilith (or Sirens in general) were special in the lore of the games, but not in this way. Lilith was also mostly a passerby originally, it's just that later things changed a bit. Like way later, because originally the point was treasure hunting. Not extraction like in the movie. If this came up later on in the movie - that'd be fine, but it is essentially the premise.

So don't waste your time on this. They could it not even get original claptrap voice here, and could not make the robot funny. But it is less cringe-inducing than New Tales, I'll give it that.