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Caligula: The Ultimate Cut

Definitely not for purists, but ultimately underwhelming.

I have not watched the original, although my parents had it on VHS (probably theatrical cut, though), but I've heard a lot about the movie, how controversial it was, how both disgusting and yet amazing. Well, maybe not amazing, but unique to stand out. So when I learnt that there is some ultimate cut, that restored some deleted scenes, I decided to watch it. And now I kind of regret I wasted 3 hours on it, to be honest.

It definitely can build a certain atmosphere. Through the music, camera work, practical effects, stages in general and overall "theatricality" it delivers the feeling of something... Viscous. Almost akin to some good thriller or horror movies. This feeling gets complimented by casual nudity (full or partial), which does seem a bit more fitting compared to what modern Spartacus TV show had, where it was mostly for the sake of being "edgy". The sex and brutality scenes also generally feel purposeful. Senseless and/or tasteless at times, perhaps, but purposeful.

Does it make a good movie, though? I do not think so, because it fails in terms of the story. I read, that theatrical cut lacked structure, that ultimate cut has, but if what I saw is "structure", then I am a penguin. I mean, it does have clear progression, yes, and it seems to suggest character development even, but overall it's more like a set of scenes with very lose connection between them. Even the final "moral" feels very weak to me, not believable.

There is supposed to be a lot of hate and resentment towards Caligula. He, indeed, would deserve it considering certain acts of cruelty and abuse, but... It's not really felt through out the movie. I mean, people love him, it's the senate that does not. I read an opinion, that Caligula was mocking the senate and was, in reality, quite smart, but it was not the case in my eyes. Mocking - yes. Smart - no. He was just behaving as a spiteful and abusive child. Not enough for senate to actually hate him enough to kill.

We are told at a later point, that senate hates him for the "imperial whorehouse", but... That's the problem, that we are only "told", there is nothing that actually "shows" that. Ok, maybe not nothing, but very little. Logically, that does make sense still, but logic is not enough to make a good story, let alone one in a visual media. As result, it just felt flat for me. I got it, that the guy was very disturbed and, probably, had a combination of mental illnesses, but he did not stir any emotions in me. No hate, no pity, nothing.

I think, that in the end this was meant to be more like an anthology. A set of visual ideas, that just so happened to have a common theme and a common character, that could bind them together. In fact, you can notice in some places, that it is as if some time was skipped, although there was no clear indication of that. As an anthology it might have worked for me. As a movie - not so much.