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It's just fine, I guess. I have very similar sentiment as I did with Wonka: it's an average story, nothing damning here, for sure, but nothing really "outstanding" either. It had a few touching moments, yes, and general idea is great, but overall - kind of flat to me. In fact, I find the transition to "wicked witch" kind of forced, undercooked. Don't know if the musical is like this, but it's also a different format, so maybe it works better there.

The songs are not that inspiring besides a few moments in them, and they probably can sound quite good live, but in a movie - nothing special. But maybe I am biased, because I am comparing it to "The Greatest Showman", and maybe that one is just better? It does look quite good visually, but I think they held back the contrast quite a lot, and not making Elphie stand out as much as she probably should with her dark clothes.

I feel this is fine for 1 evening, if you have nothing else to watch or like the musicals in general, but don't expect something extra-special.