What was the point of showing "the future" in the beginning? Or maybe "the present", depending on how you look at it. It did not look like that was a bitter remembrance, like in "Orange", where something "bad" has happened, and there was no narration from the girls "future self" (which could be interesting), so... Why? I also do not like the girl, since she freind-zoning 4 guys right away in worst way with "their my childhood friends". This can change, of course, and probably will change, since this is an otome show... But is it? It looked like the violet-haired guy was the only one with strong feelings, and it looked like they did have at least some chemistry. I understand that they obviously could not focus on all 4 of them at once, but it felt kind of one-sided, essentially "here's the true end". Now that I wrote that, maybe the show will make it so that there will be a cliffhanger regarding who she is choosing, and then it will be resolved by showing her "future/present self" with the guy she chose? I doubt it, but... I will give this show a chance. Doubt I will stick with it though, since this usually not my genre.