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Not sure I understood the starting sequence and how it's related to the rest. Is there like magic here, that is hidden from most or something? Seems to be placed in "real world", but so far quite unrealistic. Will check next episode though.



Episode 2:


I do not know... It looks exciting, but I do not feel it (besides Mira). I kinda do not buy it. I already read about Charyeok, but it's somehow there and not there. As if they are hiding it as some mystery, but I somehow feel it will be a McGuffin. Will give it another chance to see whether they will be able to introduce the concept in some meaningful way.



Episode 3:

I am dropping this after all. It has pleasing visuals, but that's it. The show is unable to establish proper rules (at least some basic ones) of its own world in 3 episodes, which is bad in my mind. It makes me think, that there is not much of a story then, because good stories have rules. They may not be laid out all at once, but still. Characters also feel shallow. There are no tangible desires behind their actions, no risks in technics.

This may be a strange comparison, but I'll compare the show to Naruto. The show established its basic rules within very first episode even. It introduced limitations to techniques, they "mattered", and were not thrown away just for show. Granted, it then simplified them a bit through exponential progression of characters, but that still followed some rules. Fights in general and most of punches and kicks had "weight" behind them. And while a lot of people would critique fights spanning several episodes because of flashbacks and talks,, those flashbacks and talks added that "weight".

In this show it's just... Flashy unrestricted movements. With nothing holding them back except for fantasy of the wielder.