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Looks good visually, but nothing catchy for me as of yet. Will watch 2nd episode purely to get confirmation, that astronaut will be used purely as a comic relief and as soon as that's confirmed, will drop it. If not - will depend no other stuff.



Episode 2:

Cute, somewhat philosophical, yet innocent slow-burning yuri. I am getting too many anime to watch this season already, but even though this one is a bit too slice-of-life for me, if I am honest, it's not enough for me to drop it. Especially considering, that I liked 2nd episode way more than 1st one.



Episode 3:


It's so useless. Why I can't stop watching it, though?



Episode 5:

Not an easy decision, but I will be dropping it after all. It's not like it became bad for me - no. I still like the art, the sound, it's still cute, but... It's going nowhere. And I know that it's kind its point. It feels almost like the reason why I dropped Castle (TV Series) at some point, because I was tired of the 2 leads not understanding that they are in love. And I dropped it, even though the crimes were usually pretty good there. Here it's similar, but worse, in a sense that there are not "crimes", nothing to latch you mind onto. I think I would watch it if I was home sick during my highschool and was not strong enough to play games instead. At the moment I want a bit more development. Or at least hig-paced humor (I most likely will be keeping Tonikaku Kawaii).