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There are 2 reasons, why I am dropping this right after 1st chapter

  1. Science does not make any kind of sense here. She would not be able to control electronics through skin like that. At least, not without changes in her brain and how she conducts electricity through her body. And while we do have quite a few electrons to spare, I think even turning the lights on/off like that would make us feel exhausted. Besides that you would not be able to control electronics "instinctively", at least not without some prior knowledge on how they work. Also, restoring vocal cords, while not an easy procedure is still easier that restoring any of the senses (unless we are talking something minor like LASIK).
  2. How come she is so fine and collected with information about her surroundings coming into her brain through that skin? Normal person would be extremely disoriented by this, to say the least, and the way it will affect her psychologically... It will insta-PTSD in the mildest of cases. And if in the point 1. she knew stuff about electronics because something was "added" to her brain, that could make it even worse.