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I somehow feel, that it will be quite predictable. The episode was relatively good, nothing damning here, although I would condense 1st half of the episode and then use it as flashbacks during the rest of the series, because it's not that relevant to the story.

Not dropping it now, since it is kinda calming, but I need some more character development and/or "conflict" in here.



Episode 2:


I think it's quite obvious what to do in their situation at the end of the episode: use the camera they have. Movies are still, in essence, a set of photos, so you just make lots of them and then try for a still-frame/stop-motion style of "animation", applying transitions where necessary. It works especially great with their setup of fitting someone's life into a single day. If they will not be doing that - they're plain stupid.



Episode 3:


I'm glad they did not go for something unrealistically stupid. Yes, they could make something funny and emotional and all, but that could become a spit in the face of actual people in the industry then, considering the overall tone of the anime. So... Good thing, they chose realistic approach of stills.



Episode 7:


Sayuri was trash. Pointless character, that did not bring anything useful to the show or even any of the characters.



Episode 8:


To be honest, I did not like this episode. Game creation "arc" was kind meh to begin with ("Boring Girlfriend" was waaaaay better), but in this episode it was extremely rushed and very unbelievable (although some things did make sense from production perspective).

Tsurayuki's decision seemed out of the blue and kinda forced to me. I mean... It would make sense, if he was defending his position way more before the changes to the script, but he did no. He bought the changes. And then he decides to complain? That does not make much sense to me.

Shinoaki behaved a bit strangely, too. I mean, I get that she was down when her idea was rejected (and to be honest, I think this was a wrong call: one of the panels could have been replaced with the new one, theoretically), but what was that "I will always believe in you"? It felt as if she is saying, that she no longer loves him, but will stick with him regardless. At least I got such vibes. But then she had a kid with Kyoya.

And putting Keiko in the end - clearly just a ploy. She is clearly not related to actual time travel. He words are specifically those, that can be misinterpreted, if you know about the time travel. But if you think more broadly - it can be about dozens of things, that can be happening in her own life.

I am interested in seeing how time travel will be handled now, but everything else, that happened before the leap felt very wrong.



Episode 9:


Felt a bit toothless. Like something was lacking. I was not able to believe, that this is a "bad" world. Even Shinoaki did not look that depressed without drawing. And the rest were barely touched. Instead, we got another character and it's unclear why would we need her at this point.



Episode 10:


This was a drag of an episode, to be honest. I did not feel the "stress" that the company had, I did not see the point of that blondie (again), MC's motivation was all over the place, as if he has split personality or something... I was not able to believe this at all. If the show was not ending in just 2 episodes, I would drop it right now. What we have now is way worse than the game arc.



Episode 11:

They do seem to be saying the right things, but somehow they feel… Shallow. As if something is lacking. Maybe because of the way they are delivered with MC being somewhat OP and resolving everything almost with a wave of a hand, as if its nothing.



Episode 12:

To be honest, I find this the worst point of the show. It's like they had no idea how to structure the story at all and just yoloed it. It can work for manga to an extent, since it's ongoing and it can allow itself to change sometimes, but they already had material for the show, no? Why not structure it properly? Whole episode was about "starting" without actually starting anything and not resolving that much of anything as well. I am glad this is over.