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Dynamics are good, characters look interesting. I do not like the eye gap when faces are shown sideways. In terms of the story in general - unclear yet. Definitely needs more explanation, especially for connection of Conductor and Musicart.



Episode 2:

I share Batze's thoughts on this one: it should have been 1st episode. I mean, knowing Cossette's future does give a bitter taste to the episode, but that's different. And this episode does have a hook. Yes, it's slower than the original 1st episode, but this slowness is purposeful here, to establish a semblance of peace in already dark times, which is than is interrupted by even more darker times (potentially, at least) and starts the story. And if they wanted to show more action - just release episodes 2 and 3 side by side as first double episode.

But this may be nitpicking at this point.



Episode 5:


Is my understanding correct, that they have not reached 1st episode still?



Episode 10:


So... Is it me or is 1st episode still kind of "standalone"? It does not seem to fit the timeline I perceive