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It certainly is cute and I like it better than Duke of Death, since there does not seem to be any teasing and the thought pattern of the MC does make sense for a person with depression (I am not exactly buying him being a pessimist yet, though).

I have 2 main problems with the plot, though:

  1. What exactly is wrong with his arm? Why does that make him inferior to everyone, especially if he is son of nobility of some sort? I mean, he did not lose the arm (clearly) and even if it's broken, I think they already knew in this period, that bones can mend. And even if it lose some mobility - it will still be useful. Unless he had nerve damage, but does not look like that. Even if he lost it completely - it would have been possible to adapt still. Maybe they are using this as enforcement of his "pessimism"?
  2. The girl is too nonchalant in the situation. I mean, yes, she is young, so there would be some naivete, that's fine, but she is too calm. Too positive. Considering the time and the fact she was sold off... Is he a psychopath or something?

I will give the 2nd episode a whirl, but if these are not somehow addressed there (at least partially), that will increase my chances of dropping it. It's ok to not fully cover these points in the 1st episode to save time, but they need to be covered in order to develop the characters in this situation. Otherwise this is all just a premise "for the heck of it".



Episode 2:

The guy is definitely not a pessimist. He may be having mild depressive episodes (and probably justifiable ones), but that's it.

I am disappointed that they still have not explained his arm. Probably never will. Wanted to drop it just to save my time, but I am now curious about what the sister will be doing.



Episode 3:

I guess she will be converting the whole family then?



Episode 4:


I initially thought this was a silly romantic comedy, but it really does have good character progressions. My only gripe so far is that Tamako changed a bit abruptly in 3rd episode, but that may be part of her unstable/growing character.

I really hope that there will be some explanation for the arm. Still no clue what's so wrong with it.

And those boobs were unexpected.



Episode 5:


Tamahiko used his right arm twice this episode: when he was leaning on it when patting Tamako, and he covered his face. It makes me think, that he has issues not with the arm, but the hand specifically.



Episode 11:


Somehow the fact that everyone was saying that Tokyo was worse than little villages, irks me. It may be a good idea to check real records (from what I understand, this was a real quake), but in general bigger, richer city should be able to handle such cases better. Yes, scope of destruction and death maybe higher because of the size, but there are more people to help, more doctors, more food and other necessities. I find it the term "worse" a bit debatable here.