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Episode 3:

Something continues to feel "off" about this one. Not sure what exactly, but maybe the fact, that serious issues are being treated as funny stereotypes? I mean that alone is common, but here the goal is to "heal" the guy, right? And it looks more like he is being ridiculed.



Episode 4:


And where the hell did he get all that money to buy the stuff?..



Episode 7:


Could it be, that she is imaginary?..



Finally finished this one. While it does touch on very sensitive subjects, which is important, I can't say I've become a fan of the series. I really liked the "twist" in the last episode, where essentially, being "crazy" was the way to help through bad times (it happens more often that you think). But the rest... I dunno it still felt a bit shallow more often, that I would like. Maybe because of the comedy, which was trying to be "dark humor" or maybe it's because it was not random enough. I mean, it had its fair share of randomness, which felt quite natural, but it was generally too abrupt and short. On the other hand, maybe that's the case of real life as well.

Another thing that I did like is that it did explain that it's way too easy to become a shut-in. Made me realize, how close I am to that. Or maybe I am already that.