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Firstly, it looks amazing, I'd say it's on par with ufotable even. Great colors, lighting, smooth animation, as if it's 60fps, not 24. CGI which was used in some moments was properly touched up (I assume frame by frame) to look absolutely natural, as if it's drawn (it's not, good eye can still see that it's different).

And surprisingly well done in terms of the story as well. It's not "overly bright and hopeful". There is a very clear and quite natural challenge being presented, which is nice. And I was not expecting the explanation behind that "glow" the manager sees. I was thinking of something the complete opposite.

This may be interesting.



Episode 2:

Rio-sama is 💖💖💖

On the other hand:

  1. There were a few moment, when poor CGI was noticeable (shots from a distance mostly)
  2. Would people really buy ticket "from hands" like this? Without receipts and stuff?
  3. I wonder why they are ignoring internet presence at this stage, considering it's 2022 in the anime. I would think idols would start with that to get people to come to them 🤔



Episode 4:


Manager seems to be quite a psychologist. I would have changed it a little bit, though: "You do not need to compare yourself to anyone, but yourself in the past, so that you know how much you have grown". And maybe added something like "It's ok to be selfish sometimes".

Also, was it me or they were missing the notes at the beginning of the song? Was it to show anxiety? Or did I just mishear?



Episode 6:


Finally, Rio-sama showed everyone who is the real simp-queen!

Also, looks like the next episode will be about turning trio into quintiplet.



Episode 9:

  1. Did they perform just 1 song?
  2. The reversed pattern on Haru's and Momiji's skirts were irritating me. Dunno if it was this way before, maybe I did not notice, but during this episode's show the lack of symmetry was too noticeable.
  3. I can just here Haru saying "rawr" in this pose.



Episode 11:


Hy:Rain is bound to failure, because they have 2 members with same hair color. It's against the standard of anime idols.

As for the "secret method": will it be MCing? I mean, Kyoka is making mistakes with her unfunny "puns", after all.



Episode 12:


So the catch for Kyoka was that she needed someone steong to mirror or something? I do not get it.

Also, should we presume, that there may be a 2nd season considering the ending? I would bot mind more Rio.