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Well, I am interested in magic system here, but something tells me, it won't be explained in much details. Or at least I fear it won't be.



Episode 2:


I was going to drop it, because it felt as if Gly was the one with most common sense somehow (despite being a hothead), but then turned out Father was aware of all the weirdness, and then there seems to be a hint of something else going on with someone from Seika's previous life. Guess going to give it 1 more chance, but have a feeling it will turn into showcase of how 1 magic system is better than the other.



Episode 4:

I like the redhead, but not sure if that's enough to continue watching. The way a "foreign" magic system is being forced into this world does not feel right. Like something obvious may be missing. And MC's motivation is kind of weak and somewhat contradictory.