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It's a bit overhyped. At least in some zones of the Internet. At least in VK, which has been sending me dozens of posts with Mita from the game. I think it's just marketing, though, publisher and devs probably know, what people want, and just "forced" a lot of content with the character.

But let's talk about the game itself. It's ok. For the price, and for indie it's a good one-time experience. It's essentially a walking simulator with "horror" elements, some "visual novel" elements and a bunch of mini-games scattered along the the path, some optional, some not. The game tries to lean on concepts familiar to developers, and through them raise some philosophical and borderline existential questions. Are all these ingredients good?

By itself most of them are forgettable. Some mini-games are even "brain-dead", although there are some that may pose a little bit of challenge. "Horror" elements did not scare me at all, although the game definitely has some good "glitching" elements or moments when it generally leans on the fact that we are inside a game, quite nicely. "Visual novel" elements are just fluff, since they do not offer much of choice beside skipping some scenes and 1 "alternative ending".

So what's left is a walking simulator. Those usually imply a story, unless if it's a proper horror game, which aims at scaring you and only that. The story is not bad here, but it probably could benefit from a bit more depth, and possible more time spent with various versions of Mita, learning more about them (and why each version was created). As is, yes, they are unique, but we learn more about most of them through collect flash-drives, and not through the game itself. The only exclusions are Cappie and Mila (best girl), but the former is too 1-dimensional, and the 2nd one... We just needed more time with her.

I think the game suffers from a strict length, that was planned for it. At least, I feel like there was a goal of X hours, no more, due to how fast things change most of the time. The fast pacing could potentially make sense, but, to be honest, I can't say I felt the urgency that much. Even with 2 optional interactions in the early game there is not much "darkness" to start perceiving the situation as extremely dangerous. Weird - yes, and glitching definitely helps with that, but "I'm gonna get killed" - not really.

As such, I am not sure if I would recommend it "in general". If you like anime girls drawn in the style used in the game and you want to have some cute interactions - sure. If you are Russian-speaking and know some of Russian memes - it can be funny at times, if you use Russian voice-over (the only that has player's voice, apparently). If you have high hopes for the "peaceful mode" planned for early 2026, where you can even caress your waifu - maybe it will be good, who knows? Luckily there is a demo, and you can see for yourself if that's something you may like. The rest of the game is roughly the same with only a couple of "darker" moments.