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I've just started and I already like it more than RE2 Remake. It's got much more dynamic and lively start, reminds me of Tomb Raider series somehow, it has amazing lighting, crisper interface. I would adjust some dialogue lines and I do not like the blurring on the map instead of "walls" where the pathway is closed due to map limitations (because it's not obvious whether you did not "open" that part or it' simply not there), But overall, experience is already above what I had in RE2.


My mind has not changed: this is better than RE2. I know this is unpopular opinion, but hear me out. From what I've seen there are 2 main complaints (aside from the cut content): too linear and Carlos breaking the dynamics.

I agree, that the game is linear, compared to RE2. And I did get a sort of satisfaction from uncovering everything there, solving all the puzzles and stuff. I did like this exploration, although retracing my own steps was a bit boring more often than not. I understand the backlash from lack of the exploration in RE3. But... It works so much better in terms of the narrative.

When I've started playing the game I was quickly reminded of my initial try of the 1st game in latest Tomb Raider series. I pirated it (since there was no demo), played it for like 30 minutes with open mouth and bought it right after with no regret. I had same experience here: I was excited.

RE2 was about "creeping" fear and uncertain danger. RE3 clearly states from the very start: you're screwed if you do not move. This is the point of the story: you are running out of time, you do NOT have time to explore. In this case having a more linear experience makes absolute sense, because it gives developers more control over the experience. And it simply works.

As for Carlos episodes... Yes, they feel slower, but it also works from perspective of the narrative. Think about it, even high-paced action movies tend to have slower moments in them, to provide a breather. Carlos episodes can help with that, although Jill's playthrough has some moments like that as well. And regardless this approach works way better than 1st/2nd run in RE2.

That is why I believe, that despite some minor flaws in narrative in RE3, it's still a better experience. Maybe not "overall", but in terms of the narrative, at least. Again, if you keep in mind, that it has a different focus, different premise, than RE2.