I really enjoyed this show. When 1st episode started, I thought it would be another "modern" way of telling a [somewhat] feminist story, but no, it was very tasteful, quite balanced. So if this was a feminism-centric story, that would be a good one to take example from.
But it's not feminism-centric one, even though it is one of the main themes: that women are just as capable and sometimes even more capable than men. The story is actually more about randomness, and how that randomness can change our lives by bringing someone unexpected into them. It is also about loss and ways of dealing with it. And a little bit about self-discovery. Elizabeth is a great character. You can see clearly see her progression through-out the episodes, while her core does remain the same: smart, snarky, kind, inspiring.
Yes, some moments of the show may feel a bit unrealistic, but in a good way: this is how we would like life to play out and change people. I think this is quite ok considering moral(s) of the story as a whole. What I do find a bit more lacking is the pacing. It does feel suitable for quick-witted Elizabeth, but because of it the exploration of the bonds she formed with others was not as detailed, and thus I did not feel a connection with other characters. This was especially noticeable in the last episode when a kind of new character is introduced and that did not really bring much. I think lack of satisfaction from that character was part of the point, but it still felt a bit too shallow.
But overall, again, I enjoyed the show, it was a pleasant watch. It was somewhat bitter, but in the end mostly sweet.