I am on 3rd episode already, and still can't determine if this is good or bad.
It clearly has the "shock" effect when it suddenly show gory stuff, but gore does not add much, if anything, really. Unless you've not seen other mature anime, at least. You definitely need more that just gore for a good show, unless it is a B-movie, that is fast-paced fighting with fights being main attraction. Oh, wait, fights are supposed to be main attraction here, don't they?
I also do not feel like the "second dungeon" or the game UI that Sung gets "fit" into this world. The world definitely has an established power system with its ranks, right? Yes, there is not much clarity on how it works, but it seems to be dependent on how much mana you have. It does not seem to have any other complex logic under it, so game UI feels completely out of place. At least considering that he seems to be the only one with it.
Sung being able to increase his stats already kind of breaks established power system, so it should be enough by itself. Although, that does not really break the power system, because people still train. It looks like it was just Sung, who decided to go dungeon raiding without any prior training. "I was awakened, I am now a ranked hunter, so I will go hunt". This is just plain stupid, and episode 2 did show that Sung is not that stupid, at least.
The 2nd dungeon also does not make much sense and feels more like a McGuffin. Even if we assume that dungeons are "game-like", it's not that uncommon for games to have dungeons with puzzles. Even MMOs have those. Sometimes during boss fights. Considering, that Sung was with much more experienced hunters it did not make much sense that they were rushing head-on or were surprised by sudden deaths.
It also did not make much sense that Sung's vote even mattered. "Democracy" is cool and all, but he was clearly useless. Not because he was weak, but because he lost his weapon. This meant that he would not be participating in any potential fights. Since he would not be able to actively contribute - his vote should not have been considered.
I will continue watching it for now, since I want to, at least, get past this "tutorial" that they are having. So far I do not really see a reason for all the hype beside gore, that is there mostly for the sake of adding shock value.