"Dress-up Darling" at home. Or for people with even poorer taste. I totally get why Darling is getting some negativity from some people, a lot of it is kind of warranted, since it does have (potential) sexualization here and there, but... Watch just the 1st episode of this show, and you will see Darling as a mild case. A mild case, where those... "moments" feel more natural, less forced.
What's more, in Darling you can remove the "moments" almost entirely, and the story will still be there. Characters would still mean something. Even if you remove the cosplay aspect from Darling, it will be obvious from the 1st episodes, that characters are not defined by cosplay (or making clothes for that matter), but rather that this is something they find a connection through.
This show? Oh, it just slaps it all over your face right from the get-go, that both characters like hentai. There are no signs of them having anything else besides that love for hentai. Nothing, but hentai. They are flat. But I guess this show also aims at slightly different audience as well, since it has way more echi stuff right in the 1st episode, too.
Maybe the characters get expanded on later in the show, but I somehow doubt it, and I do not see anything else here, that would prompt me to continue watching.