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It feels like it's a continuation of some story, rather than something new. It felt like I was expected to know these characters already, but I was not aware of them at all. Is this continuation of the novels, instead of adaptation? Or is this intentional for the sake of establishing a long and deep relationship between the characters? Otherwise looks nice, but the "mystery" felt a bit... Forced. I get it, deduction and all that stuff, I am familiar with "feelings" that do not seem to be based on anything, since I am tech support, but this felt just quite groundless.

It also did not resolve anything really. Nothing changed for any of the characters after the "mystery" was "solved". Not for the main characters, not for the side characters. The solution did not seem to have any purpose. Again, maybe this is intentional, since the main characters want to be "ordinary", but it still feels off to me. Will see how it goes in next episode.



Episode 2:

Why did you waste so much cocoa and milk instead of just asking?.. It felt forced. Especially with those short moments when characters were shown outside, for no reason. They were also away from Kengo for like 10 minutes only in episode's time, probably more, and Kengo was not so far, that he would not hear the microwave. I mean, he would have wondered where they are, no? Or if he heard them talking to his sister, he would not be surprised, that they talked to her...

Kobato also felt different from previous episode. More cheery? I am curious what's that promise he had with the cutei-pie Osanai, but not sure if I will stick with the show if there is not something worthy next episode.



Episode 3:

I am quite frustrated with this show. The atmosphere is somewhat similar to Living with my Step-Sister, where I like it, but it does not feel to work here as well, because there is no real overarching progress. Or maybe there is but too little of it, because we still have no idea what were the circumstances of the promise they made, and I do not think there were any clues. Unless Osanai goes berserk next episode, as they are suggesting, I will probably drop it.



Episode 4:

This episode had better pacing, but still... What was the point after all? I think Hyoka worked, because people were actually coming to their club asking to solve things. here this is... Out of boredom and vindictive feelings? It feels like waste of time and energy, without getting real kick out of things. Even though I liked this episode most out of all 4, because it had better structure overall, I just do not want to waste my time and my braincells as the characters here do.