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Why Dazai, though? I get it, they wanted to suicidal, cynical, disillusioned character, but why take a famous writer? Why a writer even? I am curious to see if that will add anything in the next 1 maybe 2 episodes, but I doubt it will.

Otherwise it's... Felt very rushed, and kind of jumping from normal ecchi isekai humor to somewhat dark humor, as if it did not really know what to do, and what to be. Ecchi elements felt especially off-putting, because they simply did not match the narrative and were forced. If it was all (dark) humor from the get-go - then maybe it would match better, but as it felt "too scripted", as if they had a plan: we make a joke here and here. It also does not help, that Dazai does not look like he is serious in most cases, it looks like he is actually joking about death, rather than really wanting to die

In addition, him being only 1 HP does not match with the story, that follows. It does not make much sense, that him being grabbed by the tree into a choking hold would not deal any damage at all. Or maybe it could, if it's completely like a game, but... It feels off. It feels like 1 HP was added only to make him look even weaker, rather than to provide any actual danger to the character.

Again, I will give it a chance, but am not feeling it so far.



Oh, forgot to mention that I do dig the anime name being a pun on Dazai's work, and the truck. Truck was the best. Probably the reason why I am giving it a chance.



Episode 2:

No, the harem aspects and "classic" humor associated with it and with your average isekai genre is just killing all potential in my eyes. Suicidal main character feels unique enough for the genre to actually heavily lean into it and associated dark humor (and dark themes in general), but in the implementation it is completely secondary. It is a facade, nothing more. I also still do not see a point to the character being Dazai, there is still no obvious benefit to that.



Also, why did they go to meet the king even? And why did he meet them? This did not make any sense.