This is a strange one. Even more strange than Stopmotion. Mindboggling, I would say. Definitely one of those cases, where it probably could have been a shorter movie, maybe like an episode of some anthology. Although length is secondary here, for sure, since the most important part is the story. And it's barely legible, very difficult to interpret. Not just the end ending but the whole of it. Is anything of this real? Is at least something real? What parts are real? Where Stopmotion had an open ending, which could have limited number of interpretations, this one probably has a dozen, if not more, depending on what part(s) of the story you decide to focus on, and there is no clear winner. So if you prefer something definitive - skip this one for sure. If you are ok to be left with no idea what you just watched - it may be ok, if you are ok with a, essentially, one-actor movie.