I think this anthology was too overhyped, because it was supposed to be game adaptations. It's not particularly bad, but most of the episodes kind of "meh" in general. I mean they look pretty, won't argue that, some have very dynamic scenes and all, but that's pretty much it.
My main problem is that most of the episodes clearly require some prior knowledge of respective game's lore. Or maybe not "require" but would befit from knowing something. Unfortunately for the show, I have not played most of the games, and those that I did play, I played for very little. So in the end only "New World" and "Pac-man" felt like proper standalones with a complete story.
Well, technically, I would say "Sifu" and "Playtime" were, but the latter is not even based on a game, if I understand correctly, and is, essentially, nothing more than an ad, while "Sifu"... I think it needed just a little bit more screen time to make the idea sink-in properly. To "show" it a bit more, rather than "tell" it. I still consider it one of the better episodes of the show, though.
"New World' was nice. Kind of stupid, but nice. At least it was not trying to be something more, something special. "Pac-man" was great, felt like episode from "Black Mirror", but it was not really bound by game lore and was more like a game-concept applied to "real world" (no matter how fictional).
"Spelunky" and "Armored Core" could be "Black Mirror"-like with dark themes. The former just went for some completely naive thing in the end, and the latter did not go deep enough. Probably because of time constraint. Maybe if it was 40 minutes episode it could have worked better.
I think length may be the main issue overall, really. When you have at most like 15 minutes to tell a cohesive story - it's difficult to do so. That's why most of the episode (like "Dungeon & Dragons" and "Warhammer 40000") feel more like a teaser or even outright "for the fans" (like "Crossfire" and "The Outer Worlds"). And it is fine if all of these were "for the fans", but... Why all the hype and marketing then? I expect, that goal was to attract new people into respective franchises, but I, at least, was not attracted.