Office workers do deserve some redhead love. But the concept is just too forced for my liking. It would have been much more believable if the demon king was surprised to see the guy, too. Or if he did choose him, it would make sense for him to explain why exactly he chose him, and for what work exactly, instead of deciding to do some test for him to convince not himself, the demon king, but his subordinates. And if then they would still think it's unreasonable, then it should have been them to provide ideas for "tests". This episode also suggested that the other sides in the "negotiations" were just incapable of talking themselves, and that's why they were saying "no" and "nay" and nothing else. Yes, misunderstanding can easily happen and ruin negotiations, but this looked ridiculous. "I am saying "no" and the other party is upset with me, even though I have glint in my eyes, saying that I am just willing for more bonding" is just stupid. Or at least I do not see how this would work in real negotiations. So I'll pass.
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