Unsure about this one. Did not like how they speed-ran the very beginning. I know those are a trope, everybody knows what's happening, but the moments of transition can help establish the character. Yes, obviously, there was just enough in this case after the skipped scenes, but it felt... Off. Also the constant pop-ups about the prices felt unnecessary: just establish that there is conversion rate and that's it, no one would really care. The girl seemed cute, but not sure it's good for her character to sleep with a man for a box of candy and a portrait. Although, if she is from a lower class... No, still not good. Not as bad as the guy seemingly being able to do a lot of stuff himself, too (not just buy through "Shangri-La" skill). If he was somehow established during transition - maybe it would been ok, but this looks more like "just because". On the other hand, it's clear that this is not the core of the show, and the core will probably start from next episode, so will see how that goes.
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