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It was uncomfortable to watch. Not exactly like Momentary Lily, but it had a similar component for me for sure.

I think big part of it is that due to same artist it looks really similar to Fairy Tail, and not just in terms of character design, and also the world seemed very similar somehow. I don't the other 2 show (Edens Zero and whatever was the 2nd one) felt different. Here I had a feeling, that this is same world as Fairy Tail, and I am supposed to know these characters, even though narrative did not suggest, that we need to know them, and was introducing them (kind of). I guess this was kind of creating dissonance in my brain.

The other part of it is that similarly to Momentary Lily, I could not focus on something specific on the scree or in the narrative. It felt like a lot of stuff is being thrown onto me at once. Remembering other stories from the author, I think they had a bit slower, gradual start, at least. Perhaps, this is aimed at fans of the game, and they already know stuff, so it would be fine for them? Or maybe I am developing ADHD, indeed, I do not know.

Anyway, I could watch it for like 7 minutes only, how dizzy it made me. And since it did remind me of Fairy Tail, which I did drop (the anime, not the manga), I will be skipping this one.