Yeah, I totally get the girl. After experiencing overtimes and nightshifts, let alone almost constant need to work at 100% capacity to stay afloat, I would think more than twice changing a job with low responsibility, decent salary, no overtimes, no nightshifts and more-or-less chill workflow. Even if the salary would be much bigger. That said occasional overtime, is fine, if it's not caused by something stupid.
In this show, it's clearly caused by stupid, because the girl is definitely not the only receptionist. It is also unclear why is she doing that much paperwork in the first place. In my understanding she should be just registering the adventurers, answering their questions, that sort of things. There should not be even a concept of "backlog" for her. I suspect it's either someone shirking work on her, or she is taking on more than she should.
As with quite a few shows this season, first episode does not seem to really present the main premise of the show, though. Yes, she is powerful, but wants to chill - what else? Clearly she will be pushed to adventuring somehow, but then the title of the show is kind of misleading, because she will stop being a receptionist then. On the other hand, if she will be protecting the city from an obviously looming threat... It can be hit or miss. Let's see how it goes.