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Episode 3:


1st episode was intriguing enough to watch the 2nd one. 2nd was strange but with some disjointed and/or boring moments. 3rd one was like a roller-coaster, when short boring moments were replaced by sudden revelations, that changed the perception of what we already knew. And while some of those "revelations" were a bit predictable, there were those, that were not. It's walking a very thin line trying to be like Sagrada Reset and Pscyho-Pass, but more grounded, which may, despite everything, ruin it in the end. Or it may not. Can go both ways from here on out.



Episode 10:


The girl just dropped down and did not even struggle when drowning? I don't think this is how it would work...



Episode 10:


Also, it's been bothering me from last episode: I am not sure a city can implore such law. I think it will require country's government involvement.



Episode 12:


I do not think it was necessary to kill Alex (and thus Zen). He could have shot him in the gut (a bit lower the rib cage to the right), that alone would force Alex to "jerk" towards him on instinct, then Zen could push Alex to the ground... Even more effective yet risky is shooting him in right lung. Either way, not necessary to kill.