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Episode 11:


He tried to just seem aloof and shy, but this episode that charade ended: Rikuo is a pussy. He could have talked to Haru from the start and, though she would still be hurt, they could have worked it out. And he could have stayed with Shinako and meet Rou, face him like a man. I am not one to talk, since I am bad at relationships, but these seem so obvious to me.



Episode 12:


I would not say it's bad. It's not and far from the worst. It's rushed and under-developed. Rou and Haru acts way more mature than the adults - that's obvious. Adults realized, that they were "looking the wrong way" - too. And they could have avoided a lot of confusion if they were honest from the start: with each other and others. This is all in the story, but how that realization is presented is like a clamped piece of paper. The change is too abrupt. I think, even if they had jus 1 more episode, they could make it better. And I still believe Rou and Haru deserve better. Especially, Haru. She deserves me, for example.