
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare EnixOpens in new tab. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestoneOpens in new tab with special GithubparserOpens in new tab.

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Latter Day Shivas

Rank 30 Free Company "Latter Day Shivas" was formed on and registered on with ID 9230831123737695713. Last set of interviews conducted on .

has the following slogan:

Click to copy blockMaster Crafters/Gatherers | Map Raiders | Deep Dungeons | Mount Farms
24/7 Buffs | Large House | "Embrace the Cold"

Operates on Exodus, Primal, leaving tags "SHIVA" all over the place and increasing glory of Order of the Twin AdderOrder of the Twin Adder. Has a large base named "Ice Palace" on plot 37 in ward 16 of Shirogane, Kugane, Hingashi Show on map.

Has this message on its plot placard:

Click to copy blockWelcome to the

Participates in:

  • LevelingLeveling
  • CasualCasual
  • HardcoreHardcore
  • DungeonsDungeons
  • TrialsTrials
  • RaidsRaids
  • PvPPvP

Is recruiting:

  • TankTank
  • HealerHealer
  • CrafterCrafter
  • GathererGatherer
Company ranking history
Date Weekly Monthly Members
143 250 91
179 153 91
210 209 91
115 257 90
109 257 90
84 257 89
106 85 114
106 89 113
80 89 114
171 89 112
103 89 112
103 93 112
82 64 114
69 43 118
68 43 113
40 33 113
38 33 113
27 33 110
35 56 56
100 56 57
128 54 55
128 54 50
46 120 48
88 39 52
80 39 52
58 52 67
58 52 65
58 52 59
27 52 55
36 51 48
228 117 24

Current members:

Hinata Hoyo Lady Shiva Hinata Hoyo Kitsune Kageshi Iceheart Kitsune Kageshi Kagura Archenemy Fenrir Kagura Archenemy Levi Foxlight Fenrir Levi Foxlight Roia Sodalite Fenrir Roia Sodalite Doom Prophet Cluster (Buffs) Doom Prophet Kokuyoseki Kagashi Cluster (Buffs) Kokuyoseki Kagashi Nathalie Vandenbergh Cluster (Buffs) Nathalie Vandenbergh S'hamee Mewse Cluster (Buffs) S'hamee Mewse Zhongli Cor'lapis Cluster (Buffs) Zhongli Cor'lapis Kura O'kami Sprite Kura O'kami Lucky Lyonesse Sprite Lucky Lyonesse Rauta Ketju Sprite Rauta Ketju Stella Noel Sprite Stella Noel Wolf Sante Sprite Wolf Sante Akira Claymere Shard Akira Claymere Creeping Bundacity Shard Creeping Bundacity Gwen Dusklight Shard Gwen Dusklight Hazel Bunbun Shard Hazel Bunbun Kaeda Red-scale Shard Kaeda Red-scale Kiki Salvana Shard Kiki Salvana Kx Star Shard Kx Star Kyruo Ichai Shard Kyruo Ichai Mia Velor Shard Mia Velor Moriemos Juntos Shard Moriemos Juntos Navino Hoss Shard Navino Hoss Nyton Claymere Shard Nyton Claymere Orin Greywolfe Shard Orin Greywolfe Perrix Arkwright Shard Perrix Arkwright Phee Whin Shard Phee Whin Quasar Fury Shard Quasar Fury Sukuna Ryumen Shard Sukuna Ryumen Abygale Goro Crystal (DoH/L) Abygale Goro Artuno Mewse Crystal (DoH/L) Artuno Mewse Aze'na Ni'nerin Crystal (DoH/L) Aze'na Ni'nerin Cinimod Mademedothis Crystal (DoH/L) Cinimod Mademedothis Crafoutis Lesalia Crystal (DoH/L) Crafoutis Lesalia E'ri Rin Crystal (DoH/L) E'ri Rin Ember Hill Crystal (DoH/L) Ember Hill Frogblast Ventcore Crystal (DoH/L) Frogblast Ventcore Hana Murasaki Crystal (DoH/L) Hana Murasaki Jinx Fateshifter Crystal (DoH/L) Jinx Fateshifter Kirishima Hiei Crystal (DoH/L) Kirishima Hiei Luna Mewse Crystal (DoH/L) Luna Mewse Shard Vale Crystal (DoH/L) Shard Vale Silver Solene Crystal (DoH/L) Silver Solene Sonic Saeton Crystal (DoH/L) Sonic Saeton Sora Leonhart Crystal (DoH/L) Sora Leonhart Sparrow Locke Crystal (DoH/L) Sparrow Locke Zen Ilohra Crystal (DoH/L) Zen Ilohra Zuu T'chuba Crystal (DoH/L) Zuu T'chuba Aaron Ura On Hiatus Aaron Ura Aertusis Damagnus On Hiatus Aertusis Damagnus Aiyano Hamasaki On Hiatus Aiyano Hamasaki Akira Toyama On Hiatus Akira Toyama Anastraya Varien On Hiatus Anastraya Varien Balked Starr On Hiatus Balked Starr Bocout Zinboo On Hiatus Bocout Zinboo Cap'n Smash On Hiatus Cap'n Smash Cpt Stickman On Hiatus Cpt Stickman D'rk Drack On Hiatus D'rk Drack Drizerion Zaldrizes On Hiatus Drizerion Zaldrizes Erick Sama On Hiatus Erick Sama Fey Artuno On Hiatus Fey Artuno Galanthus Nivalis On Hiatus Galanthus Nivalis Hektu Joggernot On Hiatus Hektu Joggernot Ishtar Araara On Hiatus Ishtar Araara Kakashi Ares On Hiatus Kakashi Ares Kaze Ichioh On Hiatus Kaze Ichioh Luto Locke On Hiatus Luto Locke Mathias Arbuckle On Hiatus Mathias Arbuckle Merlin Everheart On Hiatus Merlin Everheart Mirko Tinex On Hiatus Mirko Tinex Mochadio Boobahmastuh On Hiatus Mochadio Boobahmastuh Orbardos Hope On Hiatus Orbardos Hope Rage Cage On Hiatus Rage Cage Rain Dakwhil On Hiatus Rain Dakwhil Rayne Amato On Hiatus Rayne Amato Rubyred Northernstar On Hiatus Rubyred Northernstar Saori Matsui On Hiatus Saori Matsui Sapphire Laqi On Hiatus Sapphire Laqi Scarlet Northernstar On Hiatus Scarlet Northernstar Serenity Moon On Hiatus Serenity Moon Sety Wynnfeld On Hiatus Sety Wynnfeld Sijoni Mystica On Hiatus Sijoni Mystica The Bab On Hiatus The Bab Theobalin Goudernoux On Hiatus Theobalin Goudernoux Valeama Northernstar On Hiatus Valeama Northernstar Verident Kotaro On Hiatus Verident Kotaro Viera Miret-njer On Hiatus Viera Miret-njer White Horn On Hiatus White Horn