So much undeserved hate for this movie. Yes, it does not. Yes, it has very little to do with the games, but I am not sure it was aiming for that even. It was like that Pacman episode from Secret Level anthology: thoughts on a theme. Nothing more, nothing less.
It has good pacing. It has ok humor, that can be somewhat hit or miss sometimes. It has an interesting world to delve into. We don't get that much details about that world, but what we clearly shows that there was some thought put into it, and it just so happened, that we did not get enough time to explore more. Is the plot predictable? Yes, kinda, but it clearly shows from the start, that it's a somewhat naive movie, and not a highly philosophical and mind-bending one.
I may be seeing it a bit through nostalgic glasses, since I had this movie on VHS as a kid, and watched it quite a few times, but even with that I'd say it's better than some of the movies that came out in recent years, if I do not try to compare it to some actually good ones. I think most bad reviews are just because of wrong expectations, because if you bring those down - it is still quite an enjoyable one.