This is bad. Not like I expected it to be as good as 1994 series, but I remembered it being a bit better. Probably, because Russian voice-over was much better, than the original one. The voices feel extremely flat here. The music is probably fine as standalone, but does not really fit the visual, too. The story is extremely rushed from the get go and feels forced. I mean, even Mary Jane betrays herself, who loved Peter as Spider-Man, but here says, that world does not need him after 1 "mistake".
Peter is also inconsistent, was ready to stop heroics, but then stole some nano-tech (not very heroic) to continue those heroics. I would have understood, if there was some anguish from guilt or something, but there was nothing like that. The timelines also did not make much sense, although maybe there was a time slip, but he trusted the new suit with new and probably untested tech very quickly, unlike the Iron Spider suit from the comics. Or at least, it looked like there was no time to test it out in real world and he just started using it right away.
Character design is also questionable, and I am not talking about animal people or even symbiots. I guess there is little wonder that this lasted only for 1 season.